March 9, 2021

Top 5 Social Media Tips For Digital Marketing Results

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It’s portable, personal and always available – Social media is everywhere, all of the time. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other popular social media networks make your entire network of personal & professional contacts available 24/7 at with a tap, swipe, and push of a button. There’s no disputing how pervasive social media has become over the last decade – and in modern business, it’s no longer optional.

Whether you’re actively marketing your business by reaching out to prospects on Facebook or LinkedIn, or passively branding yourself with business updates, there’s real value to be had in being active in social media. It keeps you top of mind with clients, colleagues & prospects – and provides solid supporting information on your business & professional reputation for potential clients doing research.

Not only is social media a valuable tool for promoting your business, but that value is magnified by its accessibility. Nearly anyone on the planet can learn more about your business on their smart phones, tablets or PC – which really makes a compelling case for taking advantage of the different channels we have in order to boost our online presence. You’re not looking for just “anyone on the planet”, though – you want to reach potential customers. The question isn’t whether you should be leveraging Social Media, but how do it effectively to increase your visibility with potential customers.

Here are the Top 5 Social Media tips for digital marketing results:

  1. Focus On Your Niche: While the occasional general interest story or national news post can add variety to your social media channels, try to focus the majority of your content on your targeted market niche.Share information and give insights that can really give your followers an idea of your knowledge and expertise within your area. When you do create content that is not specifically related to your area, make sure to make some sort of connection between the two, like how this piece can affect your community, etc.
  2. Go Beyond Selling: Many Social Media accounts for businesses consist solely of product listings. You will find that these accounts have low to no followers and activity. You want to have a variety of content that will draw interest and establish your knowledge and expertise. You also want to have dynamic content that will keep people interested. When you do post your products, say something interesting about the how your customers use it so that it matters to them on a personal level. To create buzz around your Social Media channels, pose questions and create polls and have a contest or have a raffle for people who engage in them.
  3. Be Authentic: Let your Social Media reflect your awesome personality. Share things that you are passionate about. Show them why trusting you with their business is the best option. Talk about charities or a volunteer program within the community that is close to your heart, share a few moments or stories about your family or your beloved pet, you can even talk about sports or other hobbies that you are passionate about. These parts that make up who you are can be a great way to tell people what you are really all about; it can give them an idea of what kind of person they are going to get to work with if they decide to enlist your services. Show your audience how to relate to you on a personal level.
  4. Engage Your Audience: One sided conversations are never fun. Make sure that you engage your audience. Answer comments and respond to questions. Acknowledge by liking and responding. When your audience sees that their input is valued and their queries will always be answered, you can start building rapport and eventually this may turn into a partnership. You want people to remember you and engaging them if they reach out is a great way to ensure that.
  5. Strategize & Measure: In order to ensure that you are getting the most out of your Social Media channels, a posting strategy and measuring metrics would be extremely beneficial. While it is true that not everything you do will have a direct and tangible result, it is helpful to have some kind of goal for the content you put forth, whether you use the available analytics on outlets such as Facebook or otherwise. A posting schedule and content timeline can also help keep you organized. How often and what you post based on your strategy is better than posting random pieces at random times. A consistent schedule is also a great way for your audience to know when to check back for new content. Hand in hand, strategizing and measuring will give you an idea if your content is giving you your desired results or if you need to adjust things here and there.

Social Media is a very powerful platform if you know how to make it work for you. While it can seem time consuming, the pay-off can be immense and rewarding.  You should always be nurturing your online presence, and by allocating just a few minutes a day to keeping up on your social network channels, you can keep your audience engaged and generate more conversations, leads & online sales. If you need help creating a social media strategy and growing your business, schedule a free consultation now & learn now Agency Digital Marketing can help!

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