March 9, 2021

5 Tips To Improve Your Email Marketing Results

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Email marketing is one of the most powerful and cost efficient tools for generating & nurturing leads. Its non-obtrusive nature and immense flexibility gives you a lot of room to find creative ways to market to your clients. You shouldn’t underestimate the possibilities that can be created with a strong email marketing strategy. If your email marketing is not as effective as you might hope, there are a few factors that might be holding you back.

Here are 5 tips to improve your email marketing results:

  1. Personalize Messages: Automated emails are convenient ad easy. There is nothing wrong with writing blanket type emails that may generally appeal to a large portion of your niche. You do not have to write an individual email to your contact list, however, little touches of “personalization” are important as well. For example, using their names is a great touch. “Hey Greg!” is still better than a non-descript greeting. Many email platforms allow you to customize greetings and can be programmed to pull names from a list. Aside from that, use words or terms that are related to your niche, this tells your leads that you really know what you are talking about and are here to help them.
  2. Respond Quickly: Speed to leads applies to emails too. Over 88% of prospective customers expect a response within an hour, but this is rarely accomplished. You should respond to inquiries within the day of receiving them AT LEAST, the sooner the better.
  3. Be Mobile Friendly: Mobile accounts for up to 77% of email opens! When creating your emails, make sure that they are mobile friendly as well. People are constantly on their phones and you want to be sure that your email has readability across different devices. Testing your emails before sending them out so you can make adjustments is a great way to ensure that you are.
  4. Use Dynamic Content: Nobody wants to hear the same things over and over again nor do they want to feel that all you are doing is selling to them. Mix-up your content by talking about different aspects of human life that relate to your services. Find different ways to touch on your audience’s personal interests and perspectives.
  5. Split-Test Your Content: A/B or split testing is a highly effective tool when you are trying to figure out your market. Testing the efficacy of different kinds of content can greatly help your marketing strategy. Every audience is different. You must test to know what works. A/B tests can improve conversion rates by 49%.

Email marketing can indeed be a powerful avenue you can use to grow your business, but sometimes it takes the kind of time and attention that you just do not have. Email marketing requires attention and consistency to ensure that your marketing campaigns are effective. If you need help optimizing your email marketing campaigns, schedule a free consultation now & learn now Agency Digital Marketing can help!

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