March 9, 2021

5 Important Tips To Improve Your Website

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In today’s world, your website is as important as your brick & mortar office – and for many businesses, it’s even more important. It functions as your online calling card as well as an important part of your marketing funnel, which is why it’s extremely important for you to make sure that your website is maximizing all opportunities. You want to be sure that if someone visits your site, it makes a powerful impression that brings them back for more – and gets them to share their contact information.

Here are 5 important tips to help improve your website and bolster your online conversion rate:

  1. Meaningful Content: Make sure that there is valuable information on your website. You have a chance to prove your expertise in your business niche, which not only provides a useful tool for your visitors, but also helps bump you up in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or SEO thanks to new trends towards organic, quality content. Be a subject matter expert in your area and give people value by telling them what you offer and why there is no better choice than you.
  2. Look & Feel: For most people, your website is their first impression of your company. It tells them who you are – and aesthetics are important. On the World Wide Web looks are important. You want your website to be beautiful as well as functional, and you want to update it to portray current, timely content that matters to your target audience. Get yourself into the routine of posting at least once a week to start, and make sure you update your social media channels with links to each new post you publish on your website.
  3. Call to Action: While people are browsing through your website, you want to encourage and remind them to share their contact information with you. Offer free reports or data compilations, offer free consultations even run contests, offer a free comparable/sold report. Find ways to grab their attention and make them WANT to share their contact information with you because they want to hear back from you. Incorporate landing pages so it will be easy for them to enter their contact details.
  4. Know Your Competition: Take some time to look into websites of other businesses in your niche market. While doing so try to determine what the competition is doing better than you at, and how you can improve your own online presence to get ahead of them. This will help keep you on your toes and keep you aware of things that may not have been on your radar.
  5. This will help keep you on your toes and keep you aware of things that may not have been on your radar.
  6. Be Prompt in Responding: If you have inquiries or information from people who have gone on your website and have decided to give you their contact information, make sure to respond as quickly as possible. You should strive for 5 minute followup, as anything longer has been statistically shown to lose customers. Reach out with an email or a text message; even a quick call would be great. Let them know that you appreciate that they reached out to you and use that as a jump-off point to start building a relationship with them. A quick response always sends a positive message.

Your website as an extension of your office – it is the best way to reach a lot more people from different places. The upkeep of a website can be challenging, it definitely takes a lot of time and dedication, but the payoff is worth it. If you need help optimizing your website and growing your business, schedule a free consultation now & learn now Agency Digital Marketing can help!

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