March 9, 2021

Optimizing Your Website For Marketing Results

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Your website is up and running, you’ve worked out a great design and you have filled-it with great content. So how do you get more traffic? The majority of successful website focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because it delivers a consistent, reliable source of traffic without the cost of online advertising. We’ve discussed key tips for a winning website before, so now let’s talk about getting traffic to that amazing website.

  1. Establish Your Niche: What sets you apart from everybody else? What do you offer that no one else does? Finding and establishing your niche is key when you wish to increase your website traffic. Pinpoint and highlight the things that you specialize in. Find ways to highlight unique qualities that your business has. Find a need and fill it.
  2. Use Targeted Keywords: When we’re talking about “keywords”, we’re really talking about “search terms”. You want to use these in your website and blog articles to help target them to your intended audience. One reason to do this is simple SEO: the more Google finds relevant keywords in your page, the higher it will rank for a particular search. Another important reason is to ensure that you are in fact targeting a market niche that people are looking up. If you’re selling “carpets” but people are looking up “rugs”, then you’re not aligned with the consumer. Doing keyword research beforehand can nip this problem in the bud.
  3. Check Your Site Performance: Use Google Pagespeed Insights and the Pingdom Speed Test to check the speed & file sizes of your website. Keep in mind that a substantial portion of your users will be on mobile devices, so even if your site loads fast on a PC, it will likely be slower for many of your visitors. Google’s Pagespeed algorithm contains multiple analysis tools to help you determine if scripts, stylesheets or images are creating bottlenecks – and Pingdom will help you determine the overall size of your website and how fast it will load on various devices.
  4. Blog Frequently: Publishing regular blogs can greatly improve your website traffic. So what do you blog about? A great place to start is to write about topics that help your audience solve a problem. Talk about your area of specialization, and identify yourself as a subject matter expert. Share what you know about your market niche and help educate people who are new to it. Write about things you’d like to learn more about yourself. Don’t forget to throw in your keywords and even tag or name your pictures as these ad SEO value, but most of all ensure that you are producing quality content. Now more than ever, SEO is built with organic quality content. Remember, content is king.
  5. Utilize Photos & Videos: Photographs and videos are key engagement objects anywhere online. People are more likely to be attracted to an image or a video as opposed to content that is all verbiage. Make use of photos that are clean, attractive, and professional – and try to include well-produced video that inspires people to take action.

Optimizing your website is a very important part of creating a reliable online sales & marketing pipeline. Optimizing your site can be challenging, but it will produce long-term dividends in terms of leads that make it worth the effort. If you need help optimizing your website and growing your business, schedule a free consultation now & learn now Agency Digital Marketing can help!

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