March 10, 2021

5 Content Marketing Strategies To Increase Engagement

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Content marketing is all about using content to attract and retain visitors and eventually turn them into customers. Content marketing, when done right, can change the face of any website and the course of any business, then again, what you do is key.

Here are a few content marketing strategies you can follow to ensure your success in your marketing efforts.

  1. Map Out Your Processes: Create a process for each platform and branch of marketing that you have. Map-out your goals and what you need to do in order to achieve them. After doing that, you may want to use some sort of program management system in order to assign specific responsibilities and keep track of progress. This will help ensure that all your team members are on the same page and that every step of the process is covered.
  2. Optimize All Content: Optimizing your content should make up a large portion of your digital marketing strategy as it helps promote your content (and your business) to the audience that you want. Find multiple ways to use your existing content by spinning it in multiple ways. If you have a video for example, create a blog post around it, take snippets and publish shorter videos, pull quotes and create images, etc. By doing this you will ensure that you always have multiple streams and can constantly churn out your content through different mediums.
  3. Create Content For Each Buying Stage: Have multiple types of content specific for your customers who are in different stages of the buying process. Address issues and concerns that might help them further along. Include content that addresses people at every stage so that they, through reading your content, can guide themselves toward a conversion. Your Virtual Assistant can help in organizing your content and specifying which goes to whom.
  4. Make Your Content Shareable: Create downloadable eBooks, infographics and white papers that readers can freely share. If they find them useful, they will post them on their social networks of choice. This gives you access to audience that you might not otherwise have reached. Provide value!
  5. Update Your Content: Another way to constantly ensure that you always have relevant content is by updating your old pieces. If you use statistics or address a system that now has new features, you can go back and update your content to make it relevant to the current time.

Studies have shown that a large percentage of people (more than 70%) prefer reading articles about a company rather than reading advertorials. There are huge benefits to having a sound content marketing strategy and a consistent one at that. If you need help optimizing your website and growing your business, schedule a free consultation now & learn how Agency Digital Marketing can help!

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